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Training & Sims

The task table itself remains unchanged in the proposed amendment, but the column headers are renamed to Required Area of Operation and Required Task(s).

Instrument ACS Update

Shortly after we published our update on making ACS regulatory (March 2024 issue), the FAA finalized the change. Here’s what you need to know.

Flight Sim Coach

We emphasize the benefits of simulators, encouraging instrument pilots to use them in their training. But what if you don’t know how to effectively make use of ‘em?

Proficient Currency

Fly this exercise twice in an FAA-approved sim, with variations, and you’ll be current. Fly it to checkride standards on any sim, and you’re definitely proficient, too.

George Doesn’t know

No, we’re not going to beat you up for relying on your GPS. Instead, our concern is overreliance on your autopilot. But not for reasons you might think.

ACS Might Be Regulatory

Even if you got your instrument rating 30 years ago, this still affects you since the requirements for an IPC are in the ACS.

Mix and Match

Sun, smoke, or night can turn “VFR” effectively into IMC. However, technical VFR offers a chance to borrow procedures from IFR and VFR to get the job done.

Instrument X-C

The so-called “long” cross-country in instrument training requires three different approaches. Defining “different” and what approaches qualify has been a process.

ATC Saves Again

Our first feel-good article on ATC saves (July 2023) was well received. Here are some more stories where a controller helped save a pilot’s butt.

Learning Garmin’s TXi

You just dropped a bundle of money on your panel upgrade that includes Garmin’s G500 TXi full EFIS complete with engine monitoring. Know how to use it?

Gambling in Reno

Today’s Sim Challenge begins on the ramp at Silver Springs, Nevada, (KSPZ). You can use real-world weather, but since it’s probably good VFR in...

Build Your Own Sim, Pt. 5

You’ve built your sim and you have been flying it a lot, improving your instrument proficiency and your overall confidence in the airplane. You’ve...

Mixing It Up

You can have too many choices, so many that decisions get delayed. It’s usually not a big deal for simpler matters like cruise altitude—estimate...