IFR QuizUncategorizedIFR Quiz: August 2022By Fred Simonds - Published: July 8, 2022 Updated: July 19, 20220PrintEmailFacebookTwitter IFR Quiz August 2022You’ve heard, “High to low, look out below.” What’s the reason behind this oft-quoted dictum? a. Unadjusted low pressure makes the altimeter think it’s higher than it is. b. Flying through a high-pressure ridge reduces altimeter error. c. Absolute altitude increases. d. It’s an aviation myth.You put a correctly set altimeter at room temperature in the freezer, then in an oven. What happens? a. It reads lower, then higher. b. It reads higher, then lower. c. There is no change. d. You need a checkup from the neck up.What’s the difference between true and indicated altitude? a. True altitude is the height above MSL. b. True altitude corrects for nonstandard conditions. c. Indicated altitude is what the altimeter reads. d. Answers a. and c. are correct.Which instrument reads absolute altitude? a. The aneroid altimeter. b. A radar or radio altimeter. c. GPS-derived altitude. d. Altimeters that lack a Kollsman window.Why don’t we correct temperature errors in normal flight? a. The error is too small to be significant. b. Temperature affects aircraft uniformly, but pressure does not. c. Building such infrastructure is too complex. d. There’s no knob to set it.At 17,000 feet with a temperature 15 degrees below standard, the altimeter will read ___ feet. a. 16,000 b. 17,000 c. 18,000 d. 19,000You accidentally set 29.90 inches instead of the correct 30.90. You will be a. 1000 feet too high. b. 1000 feet too low. c. 500 feet low. d. 750 feet high.Flight isn’t recommended if you can’t set the altimeter below ___ inches Hg or for IFR if the airport cannot read pressures above ___Hg. a. 27, 30.5 b. 27.5, 30.5 c. 28.0, 31.0 d. 28.85, 31.5You correctly set 31.00 inches in an affected area. Before an IFR approach, a. if no setting is available or can’t be set, set 31.00, then fly the approach. b. expect to be high on the approach. c. abandon the approach — go elsewhere. d. Answers a. and b. are correct.Exercise extreme caution when flying near terrain or obstructions in a. high temperatures and/or high pressures. b. high pressures and/or low temperatures. c. low pressures and/or high temperatures. d. low pressures and/or low temperatures.ATC always gives you an altimeter setting while en route or on an IFR flight plan a. at least once. b. at least twice. c. only on request. d. before an instrument approach.Why do all approaches with a FAF have an altitude printed nearby? a. It’s just what the FAA charting office decided to do years ago. b. There is a pending altitude change. c. It’s your last chance to check your altimeter. d. TERPS requires it.Some approaches have a lightning bolt and mandatory minimum altitude. What does this mean? a. It points to the expected altitude at the FAF. b. The fix is electronically defined. c. It defines the LOC FAF. d. It points to the glideslope intercept point. e. There's an electrical tower below you at that point.You plan an IFR flight to an airport with 31.22 inches which the altimeter cannot indicate. You must: a. Use a special calculation to get a new destination weather requirement. b. Fly the approach using 31.00 inches regardless of the calculation. c. Expect to be at least 100 feet higher than indicated barometric altitude. d. All answers are correct.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ