IFR QuizQuiz: June 2021By Fred Simonds - Published: May 24, 20210PrintEmailFacebookTwitter In a recent hangar session with a group of instructors, we discussed common weaknesses seen in IPCs. This quiz is the result of our collective experience. June 2021 QuizBefore the flight, the biggest weakness is a. no or deficient preflight planning. b. a poor IFR aircraft preflight. c. inability to check GPS database currency. d. failure to check terrain and obstacles en route.An ATC clearance a. is always correct. b. might be beyond your ability. c. might not always be flyable. d. could route you through SUA.Alternate criteria are based on a. the airport. b. WAAS availability. c. runway lighting. d. the approach.You can plan WAAS approaches at a. the destination. b. the alternate. c. a substitute legal alternate. d. the destination and any legal alternate.You lose ground contact below DA or MDA during a circling approach. Which way do you turn? a. Toward the landing runway b. Away from the landing runway c. Make no turns; just climb. d. Toward another runway if you can see it§91.175 (c) (3) lists the ___ qualifying visual references needed to land after an approach. a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d. 10You experience com failure. Squawk a. 7500 b. 7600 c. 7700 d. 7777On which of these RNAV approaches does the FAA provide obstacle-free vertical guidance to the runway? a. LNAV/VNAV, LPV b. LNAV, VNAV c. LP, LPV d. LNAV+V, LPVThere is a shaded area between a VDP and the runway. What does this mean? a. The visual segment below MDA is clear of obstacles on the 34:1 slope. b. If that shaded area is omitted, the 43:1 slope is not obstacle-free. c. Descent below MDA before reaching the VDP is approved. d. The VDP doubles as the Missed Approach Point.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ