IFR QuizIFR Quiz—March 2024By Fred Simonds - Published: February 12, 2024 Updated: March 9, 20250PrintEmailFacebookTwitter IFR Quiz March 2024This quiz clarifies the FAA and ICAO requirements regarding vision using corrective lenses. It also covers substitute test options for pilots with deficient color vision.1. Pilots are encouraged to use sunglasses whenever flying a. in bright daylight. b. in IMC. c. toward the sun. d. during a laser lighting event. e. only if they’re the cool aviator style frames.2. Sunglasses can protect the eyes from a. bright daylight. b. ultraviolet radiation. c. alpha and gamma radiation. d. pupillary burns. e. laser hits.3. Under low-light conditions, flying with tinted sunglasses a. reduces the adverse effects of bright lights on night vision. b. compromise vision. c. distort colors as on sectional maps. d. still look cool.4. Color distortion is minimized if the tint of your glasses is a. light blue. b. gray. c. pale yellow. d. bright yellow. e. vermilion.5. Photosensitive lenses are unsuitable for aviation because a. they respond too slowly to changes in light intensity. b. they overcompensate for extreme changes in brightness. c. they may darken at night or at other times when they should not. d. they are not legally permitted by FAA medical standards.6. In the darkened state, photosensitive lenses might a. not lighten enough to see at night if there is bright light from the ground. b. remain dark while flying in IMC or at night. c. make it hard to reference charts and instruments. d. not darken enough in the cockpit during the daytime.7. Lenses that block ____light might distort aviation lighting and displays. a. green b. blue c. red d. yellow e. ultraviolet8. Polarized sunglasses are not recommended while flying because a. they can reduce or eliminate visibility from instruments with polarized anti-glare filters. b. they can reduce or eliminate visibility through polarized windscreens. c. Polarized sunglasses are acceptable if both units’ horizontal or vertical polarization is the same. d. Answers a. and b. are correct. e. No answer is correct. They are recommended.9. Color vision correcting lenses such as X-Chrom can correct a pilot’s color-vision deficiencies. a. True b. False c. It depends10. Sunglasses a. are unacceptable as the only means of correcting visual acuity. b. may be used for backup if they provide the necessary correction. c. can be approved as sole means of vision correction under a Letter of Evidence. d. Answers a. and b. are correct.11. You must have a spare set of untinted prescription glasses readily available. a. Not true in the U.S. b. This might be true in other countries, so you should check. c. Are required under ICAO regulations. d. All answers are correct.12. An applicant for a third-class airman medical certificate with defective color vision can obtain a certificate without the color vision limitation if a. the applicant can identify aviation red, green, and white. b. the applicant can read and correctly interpret aeronautical charts. c. Neither answer is correct. d. Both answers are correct.13. A pilot with defective color vision who applies for a first- or second-class airman medical certificate must a. pass the OCVT. b. pass a color Medical Flight Test (MFT). c. Only answer b. is correct. d. Both answers are correct.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ