Home IFR Quiz IFR Quiz—December 2023IFR QuizIFR Quiz—December 2023By IFR Staff - November 27, 20230PrintEmailFacebookTwitter Pencil on answer sheets or Standardized test form with answers bubbled. multiple choice answer sheetIn early October, the FAA announced its periodic update to the AIM. These changes are not extensive, so we’ve mixed in some general IFR questions.1. The Controller’s Handbook allows a preceding arrival or departure in or over the ILS critical area when the weather is ____foot ceiling and _____ RVR. a. 800 and 3000 b. 600 and 2500 c. 400 and 2000 d. 200 and 20002. The ILS Critical Area becomes active when the weather goes below ___ feet and __ NM. a. 400 and 1 b. 600 and 2 c. 800 and 2 d. 1000 and 33. New AIM guidance warns pilots of ILS signal disturbances that might be encountered a. if a vehicle is within the ILS critical area. b. in weather at or above standard CAT I minimums. c. In weather requiring an ILS of any category. d. If the ILS test frequency is active.4. MTRs are established below _______ feet MSL for operations at speeds exceeding ___ knots. a. 5000, 200 b. 10,000, 250 c. 15,000, 350 d. FL 180, 5005. MTRs above _____ feet AGL are intended to be flown under ___. a. 2500, VFR b. 2000, IFR c. 1500, IFR d. 1000, VFR6. VFR MTRs (VRs) must be conducted with at least ___miles visibility and not below a ceiling of less than _____ feet AGL. a. 3, 1000 b. 5, 3000 c. 7, 3500 d. 10, 40007. IFR En Route Low Altitude Charts depict all IR and VR routes that operate above _____ feet. a. 1000 b. 1500 c. 2000 d. 30008. Your flight will cross a Military Training Route. Where do you find information about MTRs? a. From the DoD Flight Information Publication (FLIP) b. On all IFR and VFR charts c. From Flight Service (FSS) d. From the nearest military base9. Nonparticipating aircraft are prohibited from flying within an MTR. a. True b. False10. In flight, you should contact Flight Service within ____ NM to obtain current information on MTR route usage. a. 50 b. 100 c. 125 d. 15011. When requesting MTR information, what information should you furnish Flight Service? a. your position b. route of flight c. destination d. All the above12. MTR route width a. is the same for all MTRs. b. varies for each MTR. c. can extend several miles on either side of the MTR centerline. d. Answers b. and c.13. A pilot performing any flight operation in the Washington, DC, SFRA/FRZ must comply with the requirements in: a. AIM 3-5-8 b. AIM 3-5-9 c. AIM 3-5-10 d. AIM 3-5-1114. At slot-controlled airports or airports requiring special traffic handling to accommodate busy events such as Oshkosh and Sun ‘n Fun, you may no longer make a reservation a. on the Internet. b. through FSS. c. via touch-tone telephone. d. via Morse Code.15. Cold Temperature Operations can now adjust the a. Initial segment. b. Intermediate segment. c. Final segment. d. Missed approach segment.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR IFR QuizIFR Quiz—February 2025 IFR QuizIFR Quiz—January 2025 IFR QuizIFR Quiz—December 2024LEAVE A REPLY Cancel replyPlease enter your comment! Please enter your name here You have entered an incorrect email address!Please enter your email address hereSave my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ