IFR QuizIFR Quiz April 2023To learn a few things and have a little fun with IFR, here are some novel operational questions that make IFR cool and exciting. By Fred Simonds - Published: March 21, 20230PrintEmailFacebookTwitter April 2023When you arrive at a nontower airport, your IFR flight plan is closed when a. ATC says, “Radar service terminated.” b. you tell ATC, “Cancel IFR.” c. Mode S datalink reports you at MDA or DH. d. ATC says, “IFR Canceled.”When do you become an IFR airplane if you receive your clearance while airborne? a. When ATC issues a squawk code b. When ATC begins vectoring you once identified c. When the controller issues a clearance d. When you begin to comply with the clearance you acceptedOnce legally IFR, what can you do? a. Enter controlled airspace in IMC b. Stop looking out the window for traffic c. Log IMC time d. Turn on the autopilot and relax.Which airspace pre-empts Class G airspace? a. Classes A and B b. Class C c. Class E d. All of the above.What does the term “controlled airspace” mean? a. You must be on an IFR flight plan to enter it. b. ATC can provide service to IFR aircraft. c. One or more TFRs are in effect. d. Aircraft within must be under ATC control.It’s legal to create an en-route fix. How is it entered? a. Specify a latitude and longitude. b. Specify a VOR, radial, and DME distance along that radial. c. Compute a bearing and distance from a computer navigation fix. d. Answers a. and b.When can you navigate by DME or RNAV DME where the station or fix is neither directly ahead nor behind you? a. On a Terminal Arrival Area approach b. To identify an off-route fix c. During a DME arc d. Answers a. and c.Mixed RNAV and ground-based navigation segments on instrument procedures are now standard. What are they called? a. Hybrid procedures b. Composite approaches c. Mixed procedures d. Combined proceduresYou elect to depart under Special VFR at night. Beyond daytime requirements, you must have a. One SM flight visibility b. Clear of clouds c. An instrument rating and appropriate instruments d. An ATC clearance e. Your life insurance paid upWe know that §91.175 permits descent to 100 feet AGL once the approach lights are in sight. You can go lower based solely on the lighting system if the red approach bars from these systems are visible. a. SALS/SALSF b. SSALS/SSALF c. MALS/MALSF d. ALSF-1/ALSF-2NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ