IFR QuizDecember 2020 QuizBy IFR Staff - Published: November 25, 20200PrintEmailFacebookTwitter December 2020 QuizCold-temperature risk analysis is performed only on airports with a. runways at least 3000 feet long. b. one runway at least 2500 feet long. c. snow removal equipment. d. risky obstacle clearance.You may reeuesst a cold-temp[erature altitude correction at any U.S. airport if a. it has the snowflake icon. b. ATC approves. c. it’s very cold, icon or no. d. one runway is 3000 feet or longer.You needn't advise ATC of corrections on the a. initial segment. b. intermediate segment. c. final segment. d. missed approach.True or False: The cold temperature produre requires an altimeter check. 1. True 2. FalseRegarding corrections, which MDA/DA must you use? a. Corrected DH b. Corrected MDA/DA c. Uncorrected MDA/DA d. Whatever §91.175 saysYou correct segment altitudes from the IAf to the Missed Approach. This is the ____ method. a. all segments b. selected segments c. individual segments d. unauthorizedAlternatively, yoiu may correct only the markewd segments found in the a. AIM Section 7. b. front of the TPP booklet. c. Cold Temp Airport list. d. NTOP.When calculating stepdown fix altitudes, MDA, or DA, you may a. round down from the table value. b. round up to the next nearest 100 feet. c. apply no correction. d. just fly ‘er till you see the ground.See AIM Table 7-3-1. The reported temperature is -30 degrees C. The HAA is 500 feet. The cold temperature error correction is ___ feet. a. 60 b. 80 c. 100 d. 120NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ