Options: Good/Bad News

The good news is that our electronics give us options. The bad news is that it’s not always obvious which is the best option to use.

The good news is that our electronics give us options. The bad news is that it’s not always obvious which is the best option to use.
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  1. This was an excellent article. I’m an old timer and the aircraft I used to fly all had a fixed roll que. All my flying was without an autopilot and I didn’t realize how much I used the roll pointer to detect small bank angle changes. I was also in avionics design and we had simulators with air transport displays. I wasn’t told that all the air transport displays had sky pointers. When I first flew the simulator, it was “what’s going on here?” I would start to correct for a small bank angle only to make it worse. Flying the simulator with a sky pointer was much more difficult than expected. Subconsciously, I would slip back to reacting as if the sky pointer was a fixed pointer. Ingrained habits are difficult to break. Also , I liked the cross pointers better than Collin’s single que, but I was working for Sperry so that might explain it.


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