Plans Change
You do the most comprehensive planning and review that you can. But there are times when the situation changes. Have you considered contingencies?
False Glideslopes
Today’s autopilots can arm for glideslope capture to make life easier. But, it’s possible to intercept a false glideslope if you haven’t managed flight path and autopilot correctly.
Real GPS Outage
One has only to monitor the GPS NOTAMs to conclude that our near-100 percent confidence in GPS is misplaced. Here’s a story of a real GPS outage.
Got It Covered?
Approaches with both GPS and VHF sources are common, so don’t forget how to use all your navigation functions. Sometimes you need ‘em all, and at the same time.
Departures, Arrivals
Every flight, even a VFR flight, has a departure procedure and an arrival procedure. On VFR flights that might just be make a left...
Runway Incursions
In 1997 the worst runway incursion in aviation history occurred in foggy weather on the island of Tenerife when a KLM 747 began a...
Fuel Blunders
These ASRS reports show many ways to get something simple wrong. You’ll see how creative errors can sneak in and deprive us of the...
Smooth Way Down
Southern California, the land of Zen mountain centers, surfer vibes, and the Big Lebowski, is one laid-back place. Is there a better spot then,...
Right Approach Speeds
Our training for the instrument ticket focused on flying by reference to instruments, how to shoot approaches, holds etc. By that point pilots were...
Near Midair Collisions
These reports of near midair collisions, NMACs, should be deeply frightening to any pilot. The pilots’ experiences strongly suggest more vigilance and, ultimately, increased...
Don’t Hit the Ground
Every year, the Aviation Safety Reporting System staff selects 50 of the most profound reports in a category, here Controlled Flight Toward Terrain, and...
Random Holds
Holds are the bane of many pilots’ existence. The variety of helpful and not-so-helpful tips, tricks, and other “aids” tells us how big a...