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Why Two?

At my day job flying airliners I get a lot of idle time for my brain. To avoid the clich of that becoming the...

Well Structured ATC

In spring 2003, I was halfway through my flight training. My instructor and I were chatting about air traffic control. He'd just visited the...

Portable EFIS

Last spring, Garmin made a declaration of sorts. It introduced an aggressive new line of inexpensive avionics for experimental aircraft. This said, in effect,...

GPS Alphabet Soup

One of the things I see often on IFR stage checks and IPCs is a lack of familiarity with the different kinds of GPS...

Black Box for GA

Long the purview of sophisticated flight data recorders available only to airlines, many of the popular integrated TAA systems being installed today can record all the critical-and embarrassing-data about your flight. Activating a data logging feature typically calls for little more than inserting a memory card in a slot; the machine does the rest. …

Joining the Approach

Controller guidance for getting an aircraft onto an approach was a hot topic at a recent Air Traffic Procedures Advisory Committee meeting of various...

No Tower, No Problem

You got a visual approach on your arrival this morning. You even canceled IFR ten miles out, and enjoyed a pleasant VFR ride to...

Advisory Glidepaths

Although they look alike, there is a world of difference between ILS, LNAV+V and LNAV/VNAV glidepaths. It turns out that not all glidepaths are created equal.

Briefing: December 2013

Pilots always complain about the price of fuel--but if they could buy avgas for $1 a gallon, would that really change their flying habits? That was the question the owners of Redbird Skyport, in San Marcos, Texas, set out to answer in October. Sales soared to 30 times normal, their staff wore down, and the supply chain started to suffer hiccups. They ended the experiment two weeks early, after collecting reams of data from pilot…

Readback: December 2013

Higher and HigherApparently, airports in China are popping up like weeds. In September's Quiz, you correctly reported that Qamdo Bamda Airport in Tibet has...

Caution While Circling

One element of IFR flying thats universally disliked among pilots is the circling approach. The prospect of flying visually in marginal weather conditions at low altitude while configuring the aircraft for landing and, oh yeah, not straying beyond sight distance of the airport, understandably strikes fear into the hearts of many pilots, and with good reason. Circling approaches are serious business and offer plenty of opportunities to get in trouble.

Hey, Buddy, Got the time?

While not all pilots are gadget geeks, drooling over the newest cool stuff, few among us don't pine for the latest EFIS, navigator or...