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Readback August 2016

Certainly following the airways and the MEAs, and then descending over an initial approach fix or hold would be best. I was just thinking of a case when we werent on an airway, like between Keflavik, Iceland (BIKF) and Narsarsuaq, Greenland (BGBW). We wanted to make sure we were above the OROCA and MSAs for that area when we were descending. I guess we could have stayed at our filed FL170 until over the hold, but given that the airport is at sea level we wanted to start a prudently safe descent beforehand.

CFIT on Departure

Pilot responsibilities differ from a controllers. The regs state, the pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that aircraft. This authority and responsibility is granted with the intention that its used to ensure safety-a pilots primary obligation. Yet, pilots keep having controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) accidents, often with fatalities. Its the second leading cause of commercial aviation fatalities worldwide. NTSB Board Member Robert Sumwalt described CFIT as the problem that never went away. CFIT frequently occurs at night or in IMC.

Missed Approaches

Climbing to hold over an airport to wait for better weather or traffic is nearly always referenced against a VOR that is located on or very close to the airport, so you really cant get lost. Plus, theres at least one runway right below in case of any issues that might develop. Whats more, obstacle clearance is straightforward-poles, towers and trees are only so tall and you dont have to worry about encountering significant terrain rising up from the airport itself.

Losing Interest?

Why do we fly? Are we so shallow a species that for many of us the reason is the excitement, the unique specialness? With that diminishing, are we so superficial that we give up flying? There are, of course, many motivations for potential and ongoing aviators. For some people, flying is simply a job. I really feel sorry for those unfortunate souls.

On the Beat

If the airport requires a call to Clearance Delivery for an IFR clearance or VFR departure, you neednt wait until you call Ground for taxi. Just tell CD. After the controller verifies your clearance readback, tell her, Ill be requesting Runway 9. Youve now informed a member of the tower team. They can let you know about any possible issues regarding that runway. Also, when you call for taxi, Ground should be aware of your needs.

June 2016

Reading your explanation of the TERPZ FIVE DEPARTURE at BWI, which was in response to a question regarding altitude restrictions and expectations, I am not convinced that the procedure as published is clear.

Certification Using ACS

After years of living with a multitude of imperfections in the process of certifying airmen, in September 2011 the FAA decided to act. Now nearly five years later, a totally revamped system called Airman Certification Standards (ACS) is planned to take effect on June 15, 2016, starting with Private Pilot and Instrument Airplane certification.

Reverse Sensing

Some of you are already yawning, thinking to yourselves, With GPS and moving maps, who needs VHF nav anyway? To an extent, thats a valid argument, especially regarding VORs. But, there are still a lot of localizer and localizer back course approaches out there, and you may have to fly one. You shouldnt entirely dismiss VHF navigation just yet.

ASRS: Safe Protections

The Aviation Safety Reporting System, ASRS, is a means of confidentially and anonymously reporting unsafe conditions-including your own actions-in aviation, generally without fear of FAA enforcement. Most of us are at least somewhat aware of the ASRS program, but few of us really understand how it works. This is an important program that is of benefit to aviation at large and potentially to us individually, so we should all understand what the ASRS system is, what it can do for us, and how to use it.

MON Airports vs. MON VORs and More

Reader feedback and questions from past issues of IFR. We read em all and try to answer most e-mail, but it can take a month or more. Please be sure to include your full name and location. Contact us at [email protected].

Back to the Future (of GPS Backups)

Visions of the future are the domain of science fiction-imagine a world where some fantastic thing is possible. The FAA presents its own vision in the Performance Based Navigation Roadmap, which is produced about every five years. The third edition is expected around the time you get this. In it the current status of performance-based navigation, PBN, a generalized term for RNAV and RNP (required navigation performance), is analyzed and goals are set for the near, intermediate and long term-each roughly five years apart.

Common Aviation Gyros

Gyroscopes are an essential component of any instrument rig used for attitude, heading, turning, and navigation. Technological inventions created gyroscopes that work using a variety of theories. Each type of gyro is best suited for particular situations based on the type of information needed and the effect of drift. Three types of gyros are common in aviation. …