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I Always File IFR

Have you recently looked closely at the airspace system we have to navigate today? Spurious TFRs pop up randomly, and its only getting worse. I dont have to worry about any of that. I file what I want and if ATC doesnt want me there, they, uh, tell me where to go.

Siriusly Messed Up

Getting weather info in flight has gotten cheaper due to FIS-B (ADS-B In). However, years before the FAAs eventual roll out of FIS-B and its array of free weather-information products, the dominant player in that industry was Baron Services though XM Radio. Sirius radio offered a competitive product from WSI. Eventually, Sirius and XM merged. The leading hardware was probably Garmins GDL 69 and 69A receivers getting XMs Baron offering.

Legal Interpretations

As students of aviation, we are familiar with our regulations, the AIM, Advisory Circulars and other instructional, regulatory and best practice FAA guidance publications. But questions remain about whats legal. One sure, but unpleasant way to answer them is to attract the FAAs enforcement apparatus. This begins with your friendly neighborhood Aviation Safety Inspector, and can lead to suspension or revocation orders, plea bargaining, trials and appeals with the NTSB, and ultimately, the federal courts. There is a better way.

Fixing Our Foulups

There could be any number of causes for an oversight. Maybe a controllers just been plugged in too long on a busy day, getting his head kicked in by nonstop, complex traffic. Short staffing means theres no break anywhere on the horizon. Oh, and hes got to pee. Ive been that guy. Its not fun being tired, distracted, and inundated with airplanes.

Missed the Memo

It started with an email question: How do you identify SWASO on the missed approach at Knoxville Downtown Island (KDKX) LOC RWY 26 approach? A quick glance says, Duh, its an intersection, but a closer inspection says its not that simple. The identification of SWASO on this approach chart omits a few critical details-enough that if you still dont have an IFR GPS, you might find yourself at a loss.

More MOS

While I was driving to the airport a layer of radiation fog condensed and became a pattern-smashing iron plate by flight time. While waiting for tower to cut the next ATIS, I poked around weather forecasts and noticed that the MOS forecast predicted, correctly, low ceilings for the rest of the morning. Argh!

On The Air: June 2018

I was flying from Jacksonville, North Carolina to College Park, Maryland on an IFR flight plan to go to a Redskins game. It was a CAVU day. The following exchange took place somewhere southeast of Richmond:Washington Center: Skyhawk 68E, traffic two oclock, 10 miles, westbound, 500 feet above.Skyhawk 68E: Negative contact, but Im looking.Washington Center: Piper 123, traffic 10 oclock, 10 miles, northbound, 500 feet below. Piper 123: Negative contact, but were looking too.A few minutes pass.

Briefing: June 2018

The success of big annual air shows like Sun n Fun depends at least partly on the weather, and this years Lakeland, Florida, event lucked out with plenty of sunshine after a wet opening day. Sun n Fun president Lites Leenhouts said this years show had higher attendance, more revenue, and increased vendor satisfaction compared to years past. The Thunderbirds, a fan favorite, had to cancel just days before the show after a pilot died during a practice flight. The career fair continues to grow, with interest from both job hunters and companies in search of new hires. Bose introduced a new in-ear pilot headset, Garmin brought upgraded weather and traffic receivers, and the air show welcomed viewers worldwide via a new Internet live stream.

Readback: June 2018

Your article entitled Seriously Bad IFR Flight in the October 2017 issue is a perfect illustration of the problems caused by technology. Ive been a pilot for 49 years, Im ex-military with my ATP, CFII, and thousands of hours of flight time in everything from helicopters to jets to biplanes.

Flying on Business

Much of general aviation activity in piston-powered airplanes is for recreation-the proverbial $100 hamburger ($1000?) on nice sunny weekends. Still, there are many general aviation pilots who fly-using the technical phrase-for the furtherance of business. Were not talking banner tows, flight instruction, skydiving, or true commercial endeavors. Furtherance of business denotes those operations that are only incidental to that business or employment. (14 CFR 61.113)

IFR in 2025

NextGens prime objective is to improve the flexibility and efficiency of our National Airspace System (NAS) to accommodate increasing traffic. This is possible only if your trip receives NextGen support from preflight to engine shutdown. Called trajectory-based operation or TBO, you will one day preflight by selecting one of several near-optimal trajectories accounting for weather, traffic, obstructions, special use airspace and more. Nice, eh?

Inside Batteries

Albert Einstein is reputed as saying that everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler. In March, Manage Your Electrons, attempted to explain certain concepts and principles without overwhelming readers unfamiliar with batteries and electrical systems. In so doing, we may have violated Einsteins directive, because weve gotten a lot of mail complaining at our oversimplification. So, here is a more detailed explanation of much of what we conveyed in that article.