Have you ever yelled at a controller on frequency? Or, have you been yelled at by ATC? Do you think it was warranted? How did you handle it after that?
Options: Good/Bad News
The good news is that our electronics give us options. The bad news is that it’s not always obvious which is the best option to use.
Depart with no IAP
Even with proliferating GPS approaches, not all airports have an approach. And, without an approach, there’s no departure procedure. Can you legally get out in IMC?
Readback—June 2024
ADM and Proficiency
I found “Improve Your ADM” in the February issue by Douglas Boyd, Ph.D. to be an excellent article (although I particularly like...
Briefing—June 2024
MOSAIC Expected In 2025
The Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification (MOSAIC) final rule likely won’t be enacted until sometime in 2025. The comment period closed...
…And Avoid
Seriously? That’s all we get? Our only takeaway is to watch for other traffic? I want more.
Online Weather
There are countless weather sources on the Internet, some authoritative, some not so. Let’s take a look at one reader favorite.
IFR Quiz—May 2024
Occasionally it’s good to go back and review the basics. This quiz shares wake-turbulence information you may not know. Don’t let one catch you by surprise.
Mixing It Up
Combining IFR and VFR modes in one trip can happen in a number of ways for your flying convenience. Just know how to work the options to stay legal and safe.
Flight Plan Codes
Years after the FAA adopted the so-called ICAO flight plan for all flights, many pilots still don’t really understand what codes to put in the boxes. We can help.
Security in the NAS
In 32 of the last 35 years we have seen aircraft hijackings. How does our Air Traffic Control System combat these and other security threats?
On the Air—May 2024
I was flying across Lower Michigan above a solid overcast at 5000 feet. A nearby VFR plane at 5500 asked for lower. Great Lakes...