Readback—March 2025
Didn’t Understand I read and repeatedly reread the sidebar labeled Hold for Wake turbulence in the December 2024 ATC Notebook article, Weight and Wake. I could...
How Fast Should You Go?
It’s not just the speed of the aircraft that matters; it’s the time for a given trip.
Holding Entry
Today, with all the tools ATC has, a pilot can go years without holding. But, holds are still used and we must be able to handle them. And entry is the most challenging.
All About the Forecast
Ever wonder where those predictions really come from? Actually, they come from human forecasters, but they make extensive use of the available computer models.
IFR Quiz—February 2025
Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs) expedite the finding of a downed aircraft. In 2023, the Cospas-Sarsat satellite network found 44 digital ELT-equipped aircraft. The time to find an aircraft is down from hours to minutes. This quiz might make you rethink whether betting on the old analog ELT in your airplane is worth your life.
Become a Controller
Most of you are pilots. Have you ever wondered how to cross over and become a controller? It’s a difficult road, but can be very rewarding.
What’s that you ask? Why it’s simply flying some Private Pilot maneuvers while simultaneously shooting approaches. Don’t worry—you got this.
Readback—February 2025
Better Lost Comm I am an avid reader of IFR and wanted to thank Mark Kolber for his excellent article ”Lost-Comm Realities” in December 2024....
Have it Your Way
Anyone not living under a rock for the last 30 years surely realizes that avionics have undergone a major revolution. With new aircraft, nearly...
On the Air—January 2025
I heard the following at Orange County Airport in New York: Instructor: “Diamond taking Runway 04 for departure,” followed immediately by “Diamond aborting, groundhog crossing...
Behind the TAF
What can visibility and sky condition forecasts found in the TAF tell us about the weather?
Required Equipment
You should be able to fly any instrument approach procedure—including the missed—with only the equipment stated on the chart. But can you?