Staying Engaged
Recently, my wife purchased a new vehicle. This vehicle is amazingly advanced and automated. In fact, at times I’ve called it a rolling platform...
On the Air—December 2024
This photograph gives new perspective to the adage “A survivable landing is a good landing.” Who says airport planners don’t have a sense of humor? Now...
Satellite Imagery
Satellite images and the data they provide are likely the biggest-single advance in weather forecasting. Let’s take a closer look at weather satellites.
Resist the Urge
Since most flights end in VMC, it’s common to cancel the flight plan as soon as you’ve got eyes on the airport. Good idea? Only sometimes—it can be a tough call.
Hiding in Plain Sight
After you fly enough approaches, they all start looking pretty similar. Is that your brain working for or against you? Or both?
Weight and Wake
Ever heard “Caution wake turbulence. Following a heavy,” and wonder if the controller is giving you enough space? How much space do you really need?
Lost-Comm Realities
Modern electronics almost relegate lost-comm concerns to a thing of the past. But what should you do if “almost” comes to your flight?
Readback—December 2024
Block 10 For a Flying Club Thank you for unraveling the mystery of flight plan block 10: “Equipment” in the May 2024 article, “Flight Plan...
Should I Be Doing This?
Many times in these pages we’ve discussed the disconnect of safe versus legal. As our regs guru, Mark Kolber, in this issue covers lost-comm...
The frontal system is somewhat of an elephant in the room. We talk about the weather it produces. We point to where it’s located...
Don’t Sim Like You Fly
Obviously, there is no replacement for an airplane to stay current and proficient. But when you sim, don’t treat the sim like an airplane. There’s a difference.
IFR Quiz—December 2024
Performance-based navigation focuses on an aircraft’s performance capabilities instead of its navigation sensors.