VFR Pilot, Instrument Rated
Recently I realized that there are VFR pilots, VFR pilots with an instrument rating, and instrument pilots. Which are you? Reading this, you are...
See and Avoid
Watsonville, California, is where my Cessna 340 and I used to be based. It’s also where, as I write this, just a few days...
Go? Or No-Go?
Although my Twin-Cessna 340 has been amazingly reliable, it is still a complex aircraft with two turbocharged engines, pressurization, and known-ice certification, among other...
Dual-Think Revisited
Years ago, I wrote an article for these pages in which I opined that there was no need or fiscal justification for the dual...
Private Approaches
Frequently we discuss that complying with the regulations isn’t necessarily safe. The common example is instrument currency where six in six isn’t always enough...
Reluctant Passengers
Every once in a while, we get an opportunity to promote general aviation, or just to expose someone to our preferred mode of travel....
That Illusive Proficiency
Simulators first made a believer of me when I got a Pacer Mk II in 1978. In 10 years, I put over 1000 hours...
Staying Engaged
Recently I attended a Rusty Pilot session and learned (or re-learned as the case may be) several aspects of our aviating world that laid...
Pitching Type Clubs, Again
When I needed (well, wanted) a step-up airplane 20 years ago, I decided it would be a twin. Ultimately, we sold our Mooney and...
Reflections: January 2022
Each new year presents an opportunity to review the last 12 months. Like our editor in 2020, 2021 saw me receive the FAA Wright...
Mental processes of multitasking are not well understood and probably few of us look at this from the perspective of flying. We scan and...
Safe Enough
Many of my previous Remarksmhave touched on what’s safe in general aviation, but that's a conversation worth continuing. Long ago I concluded that “safe” is...