Readback: July 2018
I bought my 2003 Ovation a couple years ago primarily for its flight in known ice certification (FIKI). Frequent trips to the Milwaukee and Philadelphia areas to see grandkids mean occasional exposure to ice. Id never flown with FIKI. My first use last year was very encouraging; climbing out of KUES through an icy layer into the clear we accumulated maybe 1/8 on the landing lights and wing tips but nothing anywhere else. However, I subsequently found and fixed multiple fitting leaks.
Readback: June 2018
Your article entitled Seriously Bad IFR Flight in the October 2017 issue is a perfect illustration of the problems caused by technology. Ive been a pilot for 49 years, Im ex-military with my ATP, CFII, and thousands of hours of flight time in everything from helicopters to jets to biplanes.
Readback May 2018
I was able to pull the ODP data but not the SID data, but I can give a fairly good guess as to whats going on. On the ODP, the controlling obstacle is a 2729-foot tower a few miles to the east of the runway. The initial climb is extended a bit more than usual in order to allow for a standard climb gradient when turning right (note that for turns other than to the right, a normal 400-foot turn is allowed). The WENDY and TRUPR are examples of Open SIDs, which have a route off the runway followed by radar vectors to a route. In these cases, the route off the runway is evaluated, but then the radar vector area gets no additional evaluation (other than MVA, etc.). SID evaluation begins again at the defined route. Because theres no SID evaluation required after the initial climb, the controlling obstacle for the ODP isnt considered. The minimum turning altitude for an RNAV SID is 500 feet above the runway, which would give you a turn at 1800 vs. the turn at 1900 on the ODP to keep a standard climb gradient and clear the tower. -LS
Readback: April 2018
In 1984 when I got my instrument ticket, I was taught to use FROM when identifying crossing radials. I dont know if that is a standard practice or simply my instructors way of doing it. In Octobers Killer Quiz, Gone to the Dogs, you are identifying PLAZA via TO the 173-degree radial. My way would have been to dial in 353 and use a FROM indication.
Readback: March 2018
Well, I guess you and the FAA will have to spank me. The stabilized approach is just a technique. Some pilots do not believe in this concept and fly decelerating final approaches for a specific reason-better energy available.
Readback: February 2018
Touch ... What?I fly behind a Garmin G1000 and found Frank Bowlins October article, Multiple Approaches to be of interest. Although he wrote the article about the GTN navigators, I found that most of what he offered does work in a G1000. However, one statement left me confused.
Readback: January 2018
I agree with your November Remarks that we should not give up on a drivers license medical, and you agree that for many of us, especially those with special issuances, BasicMed is a real improvement.My biggest bellyache is the safety pilot issue. AOPAs lobbyist, with whom Ive discussed it, says that even the FAA realizes how silly it is to say you need a third class medical to be second in command, but not to be PIC. Its possible the FAA will decide they can loosen that rule and still be within the law.
Readback December 2017
About a year ago, my wife bought several economical replacement knockoff chargers for her employees Mac laptops, the cords of which their cats had found delicious. They charged very slowly, yet seemed to run extremely hot. Within a month these chargers had all failed with an ominous brown patch on the side from overheating.
Readback November 2017
I am pretty much all in with all the latest wizbangs-syn vis, AOA, MFD, ADS-B In etc. in my V-35B, plus of course the great PFD. All this works perfectly with my legacy autopilot and it will take me wherever I want.I too discovered that I was really getting sloppy with my hand flying in challenging conditions and resolved to make letting George fly the exception. Sometimes we split the route where I fly out George flies back. I like flying the airplane and becoming more aware of all that I have on display in front of me, but it does take more effort and concentration.
Readback October 2017
The absolute best bang for the buck in charting is via a tablet and app as youre using. You didnt mention your transponder, but if youve got a new Garmin GTX 345, youve already got some connectivity between the iPad and GNS430W. Otherwise, you might consider a Flightstream 210 for that connection to exchange a lot of data between tablet and navigator.
Readback: September 2017
I submitted a PIREP yesterday that didnt get disseminated properly. Not only did it not show up during the 1.7 hours left in the flight, it wasnt listed when I checked after landing on the web site for PIREPs in the previous eight hours. However, after submitting an inquiry about this to Lockheed Martin, it showed up the next morning (about 20 hours after the flight).
Readback: August 2017
In April Killer Quiz, The Prof and the Pilot, I dont think that the answer to the last question is correct. With tailwind, one should reduce the airspeed below best glide speed, which in turn reduces the sink rate. Gliders pilots are very familiar with these concepts.Unfortunately, Cessna doesnt publish sink rates at various speeds to compute that accurately, so we are left to back-of-the-envelope calculations. We know that at best-glide speed (65 knots.