Readback: September 2012
Recently during an approach to an uncontrolled airport, I asked the Approach controller for a telephone number I could use to contact Approach directly...
Readback: August 2012
IFR Lite? Are You Kidding?I enjoyed Mr. Thorpe's well-balanced article comparing IFR training in the U.S. and the U.K. ("European IFR Changes" June 2012...
Readback: October 2013
On Top...Of What, Where?Thanks for Joe Shelton's article on VFR-on-top operations in the August, 2013 issue. Your information was excellent and quite helpful. I...
Readback: September 2013
Just Let DownAs an instrument student, thank you for a great magazine. I especially always look forward to the Killer Quiz.But the Canadian rules...
Readback: August 2013
Can I Really Do That?I read with amazement Paul Bertorelli's sidebar regarding "IFR in Class G Airspace" in the June issue.Just so I'm clear...
Readback: July 2013
Don't Need ‘em? Delete ‘em.In "Readback" in June, you said that the major airports at the heart of Class B airspace typically only use...
Readback: June 2013
Who Ya Gonna Call?Your April article on oxygen mentioned that you could only find one company who'd talk to you Well, you didn't contact...
Readback: December 2013
Higher and HigherApparently, airports in China are popping up like weeds. In September's Quiz, you correctly reported that Qamdo Bamda Airport in Tibet has...
Readback: November 2013
Unable VFR On TopJoe Shelton's "On Top of the World" article in August and the letters about it since have all missed one important...
Readback: April 2014
Confusing Chart NotesMany of us at Faribault, Minn (FBL) are confused by the chart notes on the RNAV (GPS) RWY 30 and RWY 12...
Readback: March 2014
Careless EditingI was excited to see my submission in OTA of the February issue but a slight change in wording could lead the reader...
Readback: February 2014
Fly the SimThanks very much for the October 2013 "Simplified Circling" article by Dog Brenneman. He mentioned that "we just don't get a lot...