Readback: April 2012
Thanks for another great edition of IFR. I enjoyed the "Partial Panel with GPS" article. However, I have an issue with the "Getting the...
Readback: March 2012
Parkersburg Express from the January 2012 edition reminded how a similar T-type RNAV approach to Tupelo, Miss., gave me troubles when I was cleared...
Readback: February 2012
Best Foot ForwardI really appreciate the article by Chet Ludlow "Setting Limits in IMC" published in the December issue of IFR. With initial recurrency...
Readback: January 2012
Disregard that Glidepath"Familiarity Traps" was a very good article (October 2011 IFR), and one that a lot of us should learn from to develop...
Readback: May 2013
Can I Just Breath Air?Thanks for your excellent article on aircraft oxygen systems in April. It is a common misconception that these systems deliver...
Readback: April 2013
Where's the Runway?In December's Readback, reader Mark Spencer asked about localizer offsets. In the answer, you said the offset value is not published for...
Readback: March 2013
The Ol' Switcheroo, V2In the October issue, "The Ol' Switcheroo" letter and your response discuss flying an approach to one well served airport, then...
Readback: February 2013
Stepdowns On the GPS?Early on I learned that sinking below a critical altitude is one of the most difficult errors for me to correct....
Readback: January 2013
Thank you for reminding us in Deadly Disorientation (November IFR) that by far the most dangerous part of a day spent flying is not the drive to the airport, but GA flying itself. You said, it regularly kills between one half and one percent of its participants… The public must know this because so many of them are afraid of small planes. Perhaps we pilots should pay closer attention?
Readback: December 2012
Frank Bowlin may have a misunderstanding of how the CDI needle works while the HSI is using LOC signals.
Readback: November 2012
I second Bob Keepings frustration with Jepp FD (Tales of iPad Mischief, September 2012 IFR). Im mostly a weekend pilot and dont use all the features he does, but Ive experienced the screen pinch problem for at least six months now. Most of the time it rendered FD unusable for en route operations, so I also installed ForeFlight and learned to live with NACO en route charts.
Readback: October 2012
When More is Less"Searching the Sky" in the July issue was a phenomenal article. The cascading failures of this new technology are not well...