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Briefing: October 2022

COMMERCIAL ACCIDENT RATE DROPS The global accident rate for commercial flights dropped by 9.8 percent in 2021 over 2020 according to stats released by the...

Briefing: September 2022

NO PILOT SHORTAGE SAYS ALPA The Air Line Pilots Association says there is no pilot shortage, but instead is just a shortage of talent in...

Briefing: August 2022

New NOTAM Guidance Issued The FAA has issued new guidance to airport operators on how and when to issue a NOTAM and it appears to...

Briefing: July 2022

1500-HOUR EXEMPTION REQUESTED Republic Airlines asked the FAA for an exemption to the requirement of a minimum of 1500 flight hours for airline pilots. The...

Briefing: June 2022

Pilot Fatigue Flagged Pilot and flight attendant unions warn that the biggest airline safety risk is fatigue caused by personnel shortages and the lingering effects...

Briefing: May 2022

TEXTRON BUYS PIPISTREL In an announcement that surprised many industry watchers, Textron revealed it was buying Pipistrel Aircraft, a Slovenian company that has been at...

Briefing: April 2022

Canada Phasing In Space-Based ADS-B Canada has set Feb.23, 2023 as the deadline for compliance with the first phase of its space-based ADS-B mandate. Eventually...

Briefing: March 2022

5G NOTAMs Restrict Instrument Flight The FAA has published 1460 NOTAMs that restrict operations that rely on radio altimeters. The NOTAMs were issued just before...

Briefing: February 2022

United Aviate Academy Begins Training United Airlines is now officially in the flight-training business with the first few classes at its Aviate flight academy now...

Briefing: January 2022

Fuel From AirSwiss researchers say jet fuel can be made out of thin air but it will take a massively expensive effort to set...

Briefing: November 2021

Rolls-Royce Flies Electric PrototypeRolls-Royce says the successful first flight of its sporty-looking electric aircraft prototype will launch a series of test flights, some of...

Briefing: October 2021

POLICE DRONE HITS 172A flight school Cessna 172 was damaged in a collision with a police drone while on final for a busy GA...