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Revisiting RAIM

Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring is a mouthful, but it's descriptive. RAIM independently assesses the integrity of positions reported by a GPS receiver.RAIM is essential...

Increased Workload

Since starting in 1984, I’ve logged over 1800 hours in more than 45 aircraft types. As much of this has been in the past...

Unpleasant Surprises

When I was learning to fly, my instructor would say, “A good flight comes from good information.”Surprises in the cockpit aren’t generally good things....

NA At Night

You planned this getaway weekend to Wise County, Virginia months ago. A cabin is ready. A rental car awaits you when you land at...

VFR Separation

Flying is a great joy. There is plenty of airspace on the planet for all of us to go our own way and still...

Aircraft Mods

Some aviators are perfectly happy flying what’s available. Others of us yearn for ever better-equipped aircraft. Somewhere in the middle is taking what you’ve...

Code of Conduct

The word “Model” is in the title because it articulates ways to achieve flying excellence without a canned set of rules. Tailor the code...

Under Pressure

Dialing in the altimeter setting is perhaps one of the most universal, timeless rituals of aviation, spanning decades, continents, and cultures, and tying all...

One After Another

A long-awaited family reunion is finally happening in Buffalo, New York, just over two-hours’ flight time from your home in Elkhart, Indiana. Two hours,...

Safest Word In Flying

With a new private ticket in his wallet, the now-instrument student finished his preflight. No supervision needed, right? Out strode his CFII, who walked...

Remember VORs?

Area navigation using GPS has been around (for us) for about 30 years. Before that we did mostly the same thing using LORAN for...

Accidents: Shear

Once again we delve into aviation accidents. The official 2019 numbers won’t be out until November, but the 2018 NTSB release showed there were...