Home ATC Notebook

ATC Notebook

Thunderstorms and ATC

Thunderstorm avoidance is important to pilots, sure, but did you know that it’s also a critical activity for air traffic controllers?

Departure Separation

Ever wondered why some airplanes take off one right after another and you’re still sitting there thinking, “What the heck?” Don’t worry. You (probably) weren’t forgotten.

Safety Alerts

The last thing you want to hear from ATC is “Traffic!” or “Terrain!”, but it can happen when you least expect it. So be ready, know what to expect … and how ATC can help.


Have you ever yelled at a controller on frequency? Or, have you been yelled at by ATC? Do you think it was warranted? How did you handle it after that?

Security in the NAS

In 32 of the last 35 years we have seen aircraft hijackings. How does our Air Traffic Control System combat these and other security threats?

ATC Workload Truths

Ever watched news about ATC—controllers falling asleep, doing drugs, near misses? Can any of that be true? Here is one controller’s perspective.

Improving the NAS

See what change looks like, where you can identify safety gaps in the National Airspace System, and how to make change.

Laser Events

Reasonably powerful lasers have grown cheaper and are generally available. Both innocent and malicious pranksters have caused real issues.