Aerial view of Boulder Municipal airport, photo courtesy of Rubino-Surveying

Boulder Launches Airport Closure Constitutional Challenge

Civic leaders of Boulder, Colorado, have a new tack to close their airport (in favor of housing), with potentially far-reaching consequences. The city sued the FAA alleging its power over the destiny of the city’s airport is constitutional overreach that impedes the city’s ability to carry out its business. At issue is a clause giving the FAA final say on airport closure if grant money is used for property acquisition. “The FAA’s position is not only inconsistent with the express terms of its grant agreements with the City,” the complaint reads. “But is also an unconstitutional overreach—in violation of the separation of powers doctrine, the Spending Clause, and the Fifth and Tenth Amendments—that wrests from the City its ability to provide for the public health, safety, and welfare of its citizens, and clouds the City’s fee-simple title to the property comprising the Airport.”

Boeing Predicts Need For 2.4 Million Aviation Professionals

In its annual predictions at AirVenture 2024 Boeing says the world will need 674,000 pilots, 716,000 maintenance technicians and 980,000 cabin crew members by 2043 to meet the demands of commercial aviation. “Driven by aviation traffic trending above pre-pandemic levels, personnel attrition and commercial fleet growth, the demand for aviation personnel continues to rise,” said Chris Broom, vice president, Commercial Training Solutions, Boeing Global Services. “We are focused on being a reliable and innovative partner in the lifecycle of aviation training.” Boeing also said there will be a three percent increase in aircraft deliveries for a total of 44,000 new airframes, 71 percent of which will be single-aisle airliners.

Dynon Unveils Emergency Glide Feature

Dynon has announced it will include a new Emergency Glide feature in its upcoming SkyView HDX Software version 17.1, as well as in an upcoming software revision for its Advanced Flight Systems AF-500/6000 Series avionics. Dynon says the “potentially lifesaving” feature will help reduce workload “in a situation where pilots are easily overwhelmed.” With the new feature, the pilot can press and hold the nearest (NRST) button and automatically engage the autopilot to configure to a preprogrammed best-glide speed. At the same time, the avionics suite will locate the nearest airport within gliding distance, accounting for wind and terrain obstructions. “If the system finds a suitable airport,” Dynon said, “SkyView HDX will command the autopilot to navigate the aircraft to the airport immediately.”

American Eyes Hybrid-Electric RJs

American Airlines signed a conditional agreement to buy 100 hydrogen-electric engines from ZeroAvia planning to power a fleet of regional airliners, possibly retrofitted CRJ700s. ZeroAvia’s system uses hydrogen-powered fuel cells in the fuselage that create the electricity to power electric motors driving propellers. In the RJs, the motors would go on the engine pylons in pusher configuration. American cited its quest to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

ALPA Protests Single-Pilot Movement

The Air Line Pilots Association is opposing Airbus’s march toward single-pilot operation of airliners. President Jason Ambrosi told the International Aviation Club of Washington that recent close calls at airports around the country have been resolved by two pilots working together for safe outcomes. “Some manufacturers and foreign airlines are actually working to design flight decks that replace the very safety features that averted these disasters,” he told the meeting. “They plan to replace pilots with automation. Of course, that’s insane.” Airbus CEO Christian Scherer said single-pilot is effectively autonomous operation. “If you go to a one-man cockpit, you might as well go to a zero-man cockpit.”


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